Public and private company information over the globe. Orbis Bank Focus is een database met informatie over banken wereldwijd. BvD heeft voor juristen, accounts en consultants gedetailleerde bedrijfsgegevens .
Er is geen beschrijving beschikbaar voor dit resultaat vanwege de robots. Products, A range of products including Orbis, Fame, Mint, Compliance Catalyst, Credit Catalyst, Procurement Catalyst, TP Catalyst. Jump up ^ EQT BvD buyout backed with 8mln euros of loans.
Dijk Electronic Publishing (BvD).
Posts about Orbis written by Judith Gulpers and Datateam. Amadeus blijft nog wel beschikbaar . Firm-level data (Orbis, BvD) for Malta suggest that the average leverage ratio (measured by firm debt in percent of total assets) is higher for SMEs compared to . SUITE Search let users select the databases they wanted scanne while ORBIS will cover all the Internet-based databases from BvD and offer . Description, Financial data of million companies worldwide. Contains extensive information like financial performance, deals, ownership structure . ORBIS-AMADEUS Financial and Production Data. The ORBIS product line provides global . It describes the data included in the OECD ORBIS database .
This user guide will show you how to utilize Orbis – Bureau van Dijk. It can be used to research individual companies, or to screen for companies . We really understand company information. Find out about our private company information across the globe.
We have detailed corporate structures, financial . Provides coverage for more than 1million U. ORBIS has sections of superlative coverage including listed companies worldwide, . Searching across all the companies, banks, and insurance firms on ORBIS is easy . Labels: bureau van dijk, BV ID changes, ORBIS . Fin analyse and compare companies worldwide using Orbis. BvD ID numbers for Orbis Historical and the current . The MIT Libraries is unable to renew its subscriptions to Orbis, a worldwide directory of company information, and Zephyr, a database of merger . Median values of non-missing observations over years for unbalanced sample of 0companies where. Worked extensively with the firm-level database Orbis (BvD). Additional authorised user information: The BvD licence does not allow for.
Data sources: Patents – Business Register. Preliminary descriptive statistics: patenting at industry .